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重慶市華雅干細胞技術有限公司>>細胞凍存>>其他凍存液>> CP-70origen CP-70 CryoPur DMSO


origen CP-70 CryoPur DMSO

origen  CP-70   CryoPur DMSO
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  • 型號 CP-70
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  • 廠商性質 代理商
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  • 所在地 重慶市

更新時間:2017-04-12 19:00:46瀏覽次數:2590


OriGen manufactures sterile filtered CryoPurTM 100% DMSO and CryoPur-DTM DMSO/Dextran.

CryoPur DMSO

OriGen manufactures sterile filtered CryoPurTM 100% DMSO and CryoPur-DTM DMSO/Dextran.

The solutions are packaged in syringes or vials. Both packages are shatter resistant. All syringes are shipped in a tray to prevent any damage while in transit, and are fitted with a stopcock, shipped with the actuator blocked for safety.

Our DMSO products are CE marked and certified USP and Pharmacopeia Europa Standards.


CryoPurTM: 100% DMSO

Stock NumberProduct DescriptionStock ItemEuropean Reference Number
CP-05100% DMSO, 5ml Fill Volum  V10005
CP-10100% DMSO, 10ml Fill Volume XV10010
CP-50100% DMSO, 50ml Fill Volume XV10050
CP-70100% DMSO, 70ml Fill Volume XV10070
CP-100100% DMSO, 100ml Fill Volume XV10100

CryoPur-DTM: 55% w/v DMSO, Buffered with 5% w/v Dextran-40
(*CryoPur-D is a mixture of pure DMSO, Dextran-40 and Water for Injection, with the resulting solution being 55% w/v DMSO, 5% Dextran-40, and the remainder water for injection)

Stock NumberProduct DescriptionStock ItemEuropean Reference Number
CD-05 DMSO/Dextran/remainder water, 5ml fill volume  
CD-07DMSO/Dextran/remainder water, 7.2ml fill volumeXV504007
CD-35DMSO/Dextran/remainder water, 35ml fill volume X V504035
CD-50 DMSO/Dextran/remainder water, 50ml fill volume X V504050
CD-70 DMSO/Dextran/remainder water, 70ml fill volume  V504070
 CD-100 DMSO/Dextran/remainder water, 100ml fill volume X V5040100

CryoPur-STM: 55% w/v DMSO, Buffered with 5% w/v Dextran-40
(*CryoPur-S is a mixture of pure DMSO, Dextran-40 and remainder 0.72% Saline, with the resulting solution being 55% w/v DMSO, 5% Dextran-40, and the remainder saline.)

Stock NumberProduct DescriptionStock ItemEuropean Reference Number
CDS-50B DMSO/Dextran/saline, 50ml fill volume  V204850-S7
 CDS-100B DMSO/Dextran/saline, 100ml fill volume  V2048100-S7


CryoPurTM: 100% DMSO

Stock NumberProduct DescriptionStock ItemEuropean Reference Number
SP-10 100% DMSO, 10ml in 20ml syringe, stopcock and SCD tubing X S10010
 SP-20 100% DMSO, 20ml in 20ml syringe, stopcock and SCD tubingX 
SP-30100% DMSO, 30ml in 60ml syringe, stopcock and SCD tubing XS10030
SP-50100% DMSO, 50ml in 60ml syringe, stopcock and SCD tubing XS10050
SP-10-1100% DMSO, 10ml in 20ml syringe, stopcock and cap S10010SC
SP-50-1100% DMSO, 50ml in 60ml syringe, stopcock and cap S10050SC

CryoPur-DTM: 55% w/v DMSO, Buffered with 5% w/v Dextran-40
(*CryoPur-D is a mixture of pure DMSO, Dextran-40 and Water for Injection, with the resulting solution being 55% w/v DMSO, 5% Dextran-40, and the remainder water for injection)

Stock NumberProduct DescriptionStock ItemEuropean Reference Number
SD-05DMSO/Dextran/remainder water, 5ml in 20ml syringe, stopcock and SCD Tubing  S504005
SD-06DMSO/Dextran/remainder water, 6ml in 20ml syringe, stopcock and SCD Tubing S504006
SD-07DMSO/Dextran/remainder water, 7.2ml in 20ml syringe, stopcock and SCD Tubing XS504007
SD-10DMSO/Dextran/remainder water, 10ml in 20ml syringe, stopcock and SCD TubingX S504010
SD-12DMSO/Dextran/remainder water, 12ml in 20ml syringe, stopcock and SCD Tubing  S504012
 SD-10-1DMSO/Dextran/remainder water, 10ml in 20ml syringe, stopcock and cap  S504010SC

CryoPur-STM: 55% w/v DMSO, Buffered with 5% w/v Dextran-40
(*CryoPur-S is a mixture of pure DMSO, Dextran-40 and remainder 0.9% Saline, with the resulting solution being 55% w/v DMSO, 5% Dextran-40, and the remainder saline.)

Stock NumberProduct DescriptionStock ItemEuropean Reference Number
SDS-05A-B DMSO/Dextran/saline, 5ml fill volume + 2ml air in 20ml syringe, stopcock and SCD Tubing  
SDS-15ADMSO/Dextran/saline, 15ml in 20ml syringe, stopcock and SCD tubing  
SDS-20ADMSO/Dextran/saline, 20ml in 20ml syringe, stopcock and SCD tubing  

CryoPurTM: 80% DMSO, remainder water for injection

Stock NumberProduct DescriptionStock ItemEuropean Reference Number
SPW-10C DMSO, remainder water, 10ml in 20ml syringe, stopcock and SCD tubing  
SPW-30CDMSO, remainder water, 30ml in 60ml syringe, stopcock and SCD tubing  
SPW-50CDMSO, remainder water, 50ml in 60ml syringe, stopcock and SCD tubing  


100% DMSO: +20 to 30°C (freezes/solidifies at 18°C, DMSO/Dextran: +2 to 8°C

10ml vials: 12 to a case, larger vials: 6 to a case, syringes sold individually

Custom Sizes
Custom packages and formulations are possible, please enquire. Minimum order volumes may apply.  8-12 week lead time on custom items.

USA: For research use only.


重慶市華雅干細胞技術有限公司主營產品:Lonza支原體檢測試劑盒,Stemcell胚胎干細胞培養(yǎng)基,StemRD生長分化因子 化工儀器網 設計制作,未經允許翻錄必究.Copyright(C) http://www.syzwkj.com, All rights reserved.


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