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 文獻名: Rational design of visible-light-sensitive Ag-BiVO4 oxides by matching redox potentials of catalyst, dyes, and reactive oxygen species towards more efficient photocatalytic degradation


作者 Andrei Lebedeva, Franklin Anaribaa,b, Xu Lic, Ping Wua

a    Entropic Interface Group, Engineering Product Development, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore

b    Materials Surface Group, Science and Math, Affiliated to Engineering Product Development, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore

c    A-Star, Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), Singapore


摘要:By employing a rational design approach of matching redox potentials of dye, catalysts, and reactive oxygen species (ROS), Ag-BiVO4 photo-catalysts of 2, 5 and 7?wt% Ag were successfully prepared via sol-gel and UV photo-reduction methods. The as-prepared composites over-perform existing counterparts by exhibiting excellent photocatalytic properties towards degradation of cationic methylene blue (MB, 20?min, 90.9?±?2.4 %), brilliant green (BG, 20?min, 84.0?±?2.7 %) and rhodamine B (RhB, 120?min, 90.5?±?3.3 %) as well as anionic acid red 1 (AR, 60?min, 79.0?±?2.5 %) and methyl orange (MO, 120?min, 64.9?±?2.0 %) dyes. Furthermore, based on our novel approach of rational design, the degradation of MB dye was ascribed to photoelectrons from n-type BiVO4, while degradation of MO and AR was attributed to photo-holes from p-type Ag2O. Meanwhile, BG and RhB dyes degrade due to photoelectrons and photo-oxidation by ROS, which was confirmed by carrier scavenger experiments. Results indicate that Ag-BiVO4 oxide can be efficiently used for wastewater treatment, solar energy, water splitting, and medicine.


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