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 文獻名: Bioinspired DNA nanocockleburs for targeted delivery of doxorubicin


作者 Si Suna, Nihad Cheragab, Han-Ning Jiangb, Qian-Ru Xiaob, Peng-Cheng Gaoa, Yang Wanga, Ying-Ying Weia, Xiao-Wei Wangc, Yong Jianga

a    School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Jiangsu Province Hi-Tech Key Laboratory for Biomedical Research, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, PR China

b    State Key Laboratory of Bioelectronics, School of Biological Sciences and Medical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, PR China

c    Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210036, PR China


摘要:A variety of three-dimensional DNA assemblies have been proposed as drug carriers owing to their good biocompatibility and easy fabrication. In this study, inspired by the structure of cockleburs, a novel aptamer-tethered DNA assembly was developed for effective targeted drug delivery. The Apt-nanocockleburs were fabricated via a facile process of DNA base pairing: four complementary DNA single strands, including one aptamer-ended strand and three sticky-end strands, were applied to pair with each other. The main body of the nanocockleburs can load doxorubicin (Dox) whilst the covered aptamer spines bind to the target MCF-7 cells. The self-assembled Apt-nanocockleburs exhibit higher cell uptake as well as increased cytotoxicity to MCF-7 cells than DNA nanocockleburs without aptamers. This study provided a DNA constructing platform to produce new drug carriers with high selectivity for cancer targeted drug delivery.


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