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閱讀:229          發(fā)布時間:2019-11-7

文獻(xiàn)名:Iron chelated melanin-like nanoparticles for tumor-associated macrophage repolarization and cancer therapy 


作者Lei Rong, Yong Zhang, Wei-Shuo Li, Zhigui Su, Jaafar Imad Fadhil, Can Zhang

State Key Laboratory of Natural Medicines and Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Drug Discovery for Metabolic Diseases, Center of Advanced Pharmaceuticals and Biomaterials, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing, 210009, PR China


摘要:Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) are abundant in many cancers, and predominately display an immunosuppressive M2-like function that fosters tumor progression and promotes malignant metastasis. Current TAMs repolarization strategies mainly focused on harnessing the direct cancer cell killing property of M1-like macrophages repolarized from TAMs. However, the latent role of M1-like macrophages as professional antigen-presenting cells (APCs) also needs to be explored. Here, iron chelated melanin-like nanoparticles (Fe@PDA-PEG) were developed for M2-to-M1 TAMs repolarization and photothermal therapy (PTT) induced tumor-associated antigens (TAAs) releasing, which would exploit the potential of M1-like macrophages acquired as professional APCs for TAAs presentation. The results showed that M1 macrophages repolarized from TAMs by Fe@PDA-PEG could capture, process and present TAAs released by PTT through the major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC II) pathway, recruiting T-helper cells and effector T cells in tumor site, which leads to the controlled tumor growth and limited malignant metastasis.


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