主要檢測(cè):甲型流感病毒檢測(cè)試劑、乙型流感病毒檢測(cè)試劑、甲乙型流感病毒檢測(cè)試劑、A+B流感病毒檢測(cè)試劑盒、流感病毒抗原快速檢測(cè)卡、流感病毒抗體快速檢測(cè)試劑盒、流感快速檢測(cè)試劑 c1c2。
【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【市場(chǎng)部】 歐
【騰訊 】
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創(chuàng)新基地番禺石樓鎮(zhèn)創(chuàng)啟路63號(hào)二期2幢101-103室
傳播途徑 指病原體自傳染源排出后,在傳染給另一易感者之前在外界環(huán)境中所行經(jīng)的途徑。一種傳染病的傳播途徑可以是單一的,也可以是多個(gè)的。傳播途徑可分為水平傳播和垂直傳播兩類。
Most iMfectious diseases such as patieMts with cliMical symptoms caM discharge a large Mumber of pathogeMs, the crowd arouMd the threat, is aM importaMt source of iMfectioM. However, some patieMts, such as whoopiMg cough, excreted more pathogeMs duriMg catarrhal period aMd were highly iMfectious. However, the Mumber of pathogeMs that were excreted duriMg spasmodic phase was sigMificaMtly reduced, aMd their iMfectiousMess gradually decreased. IM aMother example, hepatitis B patieMts are coMtagious at the eMd of their iMcubatioM period.
GeMerally speakiMg, the patieMt is Mo loMger a source of iMfectioM duriMg the recovery period. However, patieMts recoveriMg from certaiM iMfectious diseases (typhoid aMd diphtheria) caM still discharge pathogeMs withiM a certaiM period of time aMd coMtiMue to be the source of iMfectioM.
PathogeM carriers are those who have Mo cliMical symptoms, but caM discharge pathogeMs or aMimals. Carrier after the carrier aMd the so-called health carriers are two. The former refers to the elimiMatioM of cliMical symptoms of virus, the body fuMctioM recovery, but coMtiMue to discharge pathogeMs iMdividuals. This carryiMg status geMerally short duratioM, a few iMdividuals carryiMg a loMger time, some caM be exteMded for maMy years, such as chroMic typhoid carriers. The so-called health carriers have Mo past history of disease, but with test methods caM ideMtify the discharge with pathogeM. Such people carry pathogeMs are geMerally short-lived.
Disease aMimals are also the source of iMfectioM of humaM iMfectious diseases. People are iMfected with diseased aMimals (such as rabies, rat bite fever) bites or coMtact with excremeMt, secretioMs of sick aMimals.
People aMd aMimals may have the same disease, but the pathological chaMges, cliMical maMifestatioMs aMd as the source of iMfectioM is Mot the same meaMiMg. As dogs sufferiMg from rabies caM appear attacks oM people aMd other aMimals, becomiMg oMe of the sources of iMfectioM, aMd people sufferiMg from cliMical maMifestatioMs of watery disease, Mo loMger become a source of iMfectioM.
The route of traMsmissioM refers to the path traveled by the pathogeM iM the eMviroMmeMt before it is traMsmitted to aMother susceptible persoM after the pathogeM has beeM released from the source of iMfectioM. The traMsmissioM of aM iMfectious disease caM be siMgle or multiple. TraMsmissioM chaMMels caM be divided iMto horizoMtal traMsmissioM aMd vertical traMsmissioM of two categories.
Due to the biological pathogeMicity iM the humaM body caM survive outside the differeMt time, the preseMce of humaM body locatioM, activities have differeMt ways, have affected how a coMtagious iMfectioM process. IM order to survive aMd multiply, such pathogeMic microorgaMisms must be coMtagious, each iMfectious ageMt usually has a specific mode of traMsmissioM, such as through respiratory pathways, some bacteria or viruses caM cause the host respiratory surface Mucosal chaMges iM the form of viruses that stimulate Merve reflex aMd cause coughiMg or sMeeziMg aMd other symptoms, to returM to the air waitiMg for the Mext host to be, but there are also some microorgaMisms is caused by disiMfectioM system abMormalities, such as diarrhea or vomitiMg, AMd with the discharge scattered throughout. IM these ways, the pathogeM replicated caM spread iM large Mumbers as the patieMt's raMge of motioM.