Pyrindus 1959年以來,該公司是生產(chǎn)溫度傳感器用于工業(yè)用途。
l Mineral insulated metal sheathed thermocouples
l Ceramic insulated thermocouples
l Platinum resistance thermometers
l Metal sheathed thermocouple assemblies
l Ceramic sheathed thermocouple assemblies
l Drilled bar stock thermowells
l Intrinsically safe and explosionproof assemblies
l Thermocouple extension and compensation cable
l Multipairs cables
l 4-20 mA programmable transmitters
l Bi-metal and gas dilatation thermometers
Pyrindus 溫度傳感器 1XPT100
Pyrindus 熱電偶 IK-2-60-CSM+CSF
Pyrindus 熱電偶 熱電偶SX-3-60-TRA + TWTU-0014 + GUAB
Pyrindus 熱電偶 熱電偶TWTU-012446+K-2-30
: (自動):www.rosit。。com www.szrosit。。com