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當前位置:> 供求商機> OIML-F2級砝碼,國標砝碼,德國*砝碼
1 3 7 7 1 8 3 4 8 4 4 :袁林 :214047718
Nominal value OIML class Number of weights Design Material
Sheet and knob weights in box 1 mg - 1 kg 1 mg - 1 kg F2 25 Construction with adjusting cavity Stainless Steel
Sheet weights in box 1 mg - 500 mg 1 mg - 500 mg F2 12 Polygonal Stainless Steel
Sheet and knob weights in box 1 mg - 5 kg 1 mg - 5 kg F2 28 Construction with adjusting cavity Stainless Steel
Knob weights in box 1 g - 500 g 1 g - 500 g F2 12 Construction with adjusting cavity Stainless Steel
Knob weights in box 1 g - 50 g 1 g - 50 g F2 8 Construction with adjusting cavity Stainless Steel
Sheet and knob weights in box 1 mg - 2 kg 1 mg - 2 kg F2 27 Construction with adjusting cavity Stainless Steel
Sheet and knob weights in box 1 mg - 200 g 1 mg - 200 g F2 23 Construction with adjusting cavity Stainless Steel