With 0 dBm guaranteed power over the entire tuning range, the FBL is the ideal tool for testing CWDM and WDM passive and active components.
The full-band laser is made of four ECL modules and one optical switch featuring Automatic Power Control (SWT-APC). The modules are high-performance External Cavity based on Yenista’s TUNICS technology which leads to excellent optical power and wavelength stability.
With a modular approach, users buy only the wavelength range they need today and keep the ability to extend it later on.
The FBL fits inside the classical 8-slot modular OSICS platform, a compact 3U format ideal for Research & Development and production testing.
The remaining free slots could be utilized for any of the other OSICS modules, such as DFBs, TLS modules or additional ECLmodules.
Main Features:
OSICS FBL specifications