Thermo KeyTek Minizap MZ-15/EC ESD Simulator, 150pF / 330ohm
The Thermo KeyTek MiniZap MZ-15/EC ESD Simulator can be used for direct, indirect and diagnostic ESD testing. With the Keytek MiniZap, the manufacturers of computers and other semiconductor-based equipment can implement a meaningful, dependable, company-wide program of ESD simulation testing with results that correlate throughout the industry. The Thermo KeyTek Minizap MZ-15/EC ESD simulator generates simulation pulses, which are real world, repeatable and correctable. The MiniZap esd simulator is totally integrated into one light-weight, hand-held unit that can be easily stored in any standard tool kit. Its mechanical design has gained total, worldwide user acceptance.
By interchanging plug-in tips, the KeyTek MiniZap MZ-15/EC ESD simulator allows you to meet both the IEC 61000-4-2 standard's 0.7 to 1.0ns risetime, and to do "reality" - generating the real, <200ps ESD risetime, to see how well your products will really survive in their intended environment.
Options: No
Terms and Condition
1. Incoterms : EXWORKS (SEOUL KOREA)
2. Payment : Cash In Advance
3. Warranty : 1 month