- 20 µg, up to 20 transfections
- shRNA Plasmids generally consist of a pool of three to five lentiviral vector plasmids each encoding target-specific 19-25 nt (plus hairpin) shRNAs designed to knockdown gene expression
- shRNA sequences correspond to FOXJ3 siRNA Gene Silencer sequences
- provided as transfection-ready purified plasmid DNA target-specific gene silencing
- after transfection, cells stably expressing shRNAs can be isolated by puromycin selection
- shRNA Plasmids are intended only for non-commercial use. Click here for details.
- suitable control antibody: FOXJ3 (Q-18): sc-54379
- sqRT-PCR Primer also available: FOXJ3 (h)-PR: sc-62339, 20 µ